Thank you for stopping by my campaign website. We have very high hopes for 2010 as we race towards the Republican Primary just a few short days away. Please join us in what will be a dramatic change to Missouri's 3rd Congressional District. The first thing we would like you to do to help, is donate what you can to this campaign.
Please note that donations to political Candidates are not tax deductible.
You may donate as much as $2300 per person for a candidate for the primary and the same amount for the election.
You may donate in one of two ways:
1. Simply click on the Donate button on any page on this site.(Secure and Easy)
2. You may send a check to:
Committee to Elect John Wayne Tucker
1243 Water Tower Place, Suite 320
Arnold, MO 63010
Please include the following information which we are required by the Federal Election Commission to acquire:
Occupation (If retired indicate retired)